Essential Steps to Strengthen Your Online Presence in 2021

It makes no difference whether a company distributes bottles of water or offers b2b cloud services. Today, it is a must, for both, to have a strong online presence. Over the past few years, the need for businesses to maintain online activity has increased exponentially.

The integration of technology has allowed businesses to track consumer behavior and response. Analyzing this data, allows businesses to react and change, according to consumer demands. For this purpose, it is important for companies to revisit their strategies and practices periodically.

Here are some ways businesses can improve their digital footprint.

4 Ways Businesses Can Digitally Tune-up in 2021

Online Presence

These tips are a basic guide to help you get some ideas on how to improve your business. Use these and more to make yourself more appealing to customers. 

When giving your business a tune-up in the digital age, it is best to start with these 4 basics: 
  1. Rework Your Social Media 
  2. Evaluate Your Platforms
  3. Improve Your Content
  4. Give Video a Try

#1. Rework Your Social Media 

Most businesses are still not able to use social media to its full potential. A good social media strategy is more than just a few generic posts. Social media is a way to engage one-on-one with your target market. Here is what you can do to effectively use social media for your business:
  • Assess which social platforms to focus on: it can be counter-productive if you focus on all social platforms at once. Each platform has its pros and cons. Find out where your target audience is most active and focus there. 
  • Revise your strategy: for your consumer. If your target audience is most active on, say Instagram, restructure your strategy. Optimize it for the platform you are using most. 
  • Don’t deny platforms: if you find a new platform emerging and think it could benefit you, don’t wait for it to grow in popularity before you get on it. 
  • Focus on customer service: social media allows for cost-effective customer support. Some, like Spectrum customer support, need to invest valuable resources. However, more and more businesses are finding it efficient to use social media platforms.
  • Promote brand loyalty: social media is an excellent tool to increase or maintain brand loyalty. Use it to introduce promotions and engage with your consumers better.

#2. Evaluate Your Platforms

Take a look at all your public platforms. Your website, blogs, apps, company profiles, and listings can always improve. Use tools to see what kind of traffic your platforms generate. Check if your platforms have any broken links or images are unproportioned. Visitors are turned off by outdated, simplistic page layouts or pages not optimized for mobile view.

Try to put together a team of professionals to brainstorm and update your platforms. Try to remember that uniformity throughout all platforms is important. Using, for example, an updated company logo on one platform and not others is a bad idea.

Investing in SEO and SEM are a great low-cost, high-return investment for your business. Hire professionals to take care of your search engine optimization if you don’t already have a team in place. You can use SEO to help search engines link search criteria with your relevant content. If a person searches for e.g. high-speed internet service, Google shows optimized, relevant results. Results like Spectrum Internet Availability in the area would be at the top of the results page.

#3. Improve Your Content

Your content is the most important tool in your arsenal, to engage with the target audience. Improving your content could translate to more customer retention on your platforms. Simply put, the more appealing your content is, the more appealing your business is to consumers.

Updated content indicates you care about your business. Enough to invest valuable resources and efforts to stay relevant. It shows you care about adding value and providing an engaging experience to viewers.

Another reason to focus on content development is that it leads to improved SEO results. Providing good content results in search engines to increase the relevance of your platforms. Search engines rank your platforms as most relevant when someone is searching for anything related to your business.

#4. Give Video a Try

Furthering the spirit of trying new platforms and staying relevant. There is a growing consumer demand to receive information in video format. This makes the content easy to consume. If you haven’t created video content for your business till now, give it a try. Use video formats for launching new products, promoting existing ones.

Video integration onto your platforms allows you to convey more information, efficiently. A consumer is less likely to read when there is a video alternative available. Studies show that a person’s ability to retain information improves when in video format.

Keeping your online presence relevant and updated is not a short-term achievement. It requires constant attention. Most small and medium businesses find it easier to outsource their digital marketing activities. This frees up valuable time and resources for them to focus on other aspects of their business.


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