6 Ways Instagram can Increase your Productivity


If I had a nickel for every time I opened Instagram on my mobile, I would be a millionaire in a month. I know I know, I am exaggerating! But, today, I would hardly find someone who would not agree with me.

There are a variety of reasons that make us unlock our phones, but in the end, we will always find ourselves endlessly scrolling on this enticing photo-sharing app. “How many countless scrolls I must have done till now on Insta? :p”. You can, although download photos and videos from Instagram via 4Hub, for easier access. As W. Clement Stone, a businessman and an author, rightly said: “to every disadvantage, there is a corresponding advantage.”

Let us find ways so that we can use Instagram to our advantage rather than aimlessly scrolling through the posts that do us no good. So, here are six ways in which you can use Instagram to increase your productivity:

1. Informative Sessions

You can find so many accounts that conduct knowledge sessions from time to time on various subjects. You can look for a statement according to your interests, and following them will direct your Instagram time to watch those informative and helpful sessions.

You can always form your accounts too. Especially if you are a teacher or an instructor yourself, you can always plan to use Instagram to your advantage and make people aware, and this can also be used to promote your services.

2. Joining a Book Club

There is no doubt that even when you love to read, we end up tangled in your busy lives so much that we forget the pleasures of reading (but, yeah, you and I are still scrolling on Instagram. Oh! So busy).

I have been a part of a book club on Instagram for quite some time now, and the experience is exquisite. It connects you to other book worms, and without you realizing, you will see that ‘to be read list’ getting shorter. You can attend virtually as well as physical book meets. These meets help you understand how different people perceive a book. It fills your mind with diverse perspectives.

3. Motivational Accounts

We all need a little bit of motivation, some time or the other. Motivation is the pathway to change our thinking, feeling, and behaving. There come times in our lives when we feel defeated and unmotivated. That is when following the right motivating accounts on Instagram can prove useful to us.

We can follow various types of accounts from entrepreneurs, whose posts are full of great advice and inspiring stories, to daily planner accounts, that can help you plan your days more efficiently.

4. Network with the Like-Minded

We can always find accounts that match our interests (e.g., business, marketing, fashion, etc.) and connect on them regularly. If you feel you can manage an account, you can always create your account related to your interests. Use it as a forum to interact with the people who might be more or even less knowledgeable about the topic than you are.

Nothing is more enlightening than hearing new and exciting things about the thing you love, from people around the world. This way, you can take your knowledge to the next level, grow your Instagram followers, and build up a pathway for others to do so too.

5. Showing Your Artistic Side

“ART is something that makes you breathe with a different kind of happiness.” A quote by Anni Albers correctly states how art completes each person in the world. In each one of us there is a dancer, a singer, a painter or should I say an artist.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful when we are scrolling through our feed, and we find it full of posts from the field of art we love? We get to connect with people who range from being amateurs to professionals and share their knowledge with us. Just by following such accounts, we will be able to improve our art each day as well as showcase the world too.

We can always sell and take orders for our artwork on insta itself. Isn’t that like a cherry on top!

6. Educational Accounts

Many of us might be pursuing graduation, or even if not, we need to keep learning every day about the field in which we work. There is a wide range of accounts on Instagram that put on small snippets of definitions or knowledge every day on topics like business, medicine, healthcare, mental health, etc.

Some of them come up with little fun quizzes once in a while that keeps you engaged on the topic. What better and exciting way to learn about everyday things and the bonus being, not wasting time on Instagram?

If we can apply even one of these practices in our regular Instagram surfing and look through endless posts, we will end up feeling better about ourselves. We will be able to stay connected to the world and, along with it, keep ourselves motivated to make ourselves better, using the platform.



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