The Future, Demand, and Growth of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing

Artificial Intelligence

Business leaders and investors believe that Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning will transform their business in the coming period by reducing costs, managing risks, and enhancing growth. 

According to a survey by Forbes; marketing, customer service, and sales were identified as the top three major functions where AI can appreciate its full potential. In 2017, the Artificial Intelligence market was valued at USD 987.9 million and is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 55.9% during the forecast period. It is integrated globally across the major industries and is increasing its distribution into a variety of industries. 

With the rise of industrialization, industries are becoming more data sensitive. They now fully rely on data analytics and statistics more than ever before, from booking a hotel to booking a cab, it all depends and involves artificial intelligence. Our web design Mississauga also uses the best AI technology as we understand the need to boost website of our clients. Our web design Mississauga also uses the best AI technology as we understand the need to boost website of our clients.

Artificial Intelligence receives data as input and processes it into useful information. This process thus, developed is referred to as an algorithm. These multiple layers of algorithms form a deep-learning environment for a computer, from where the given information travels through many variant layers of algorithms which results in not only one but many variables for producing results.

With the rapid change in the market needs, AI is quick and it is continuously evolving with time. It takes no time in processing information into valuable results when compared to Human intelligence. Industries are trying to understand consumer behavior and their patter of consumption of their products and services, so that they can keep growing with the change of market. 

AI technology is evolving every aspect for digital marketers from targeting audience to audience interest analysis, web optimization, advanced tracking, and many more. 

Impact of AI in Digital Marketing

Artificial Intelligence is changing many industries especially digital marketing. AI is changing the way of doing business be it a banking sector, healthcare, or retail business. Various AI tools such as text-to-speech recognition, voice recognition, and many others are letting machines perform like humans but with more intelligence.

AI can transform the interaction between a business and customers. It increases the operational excellence and optimizes the user experience. It easily provides continuous customer services with the help of AI chatbots. It also helps in cutting down the costs and hence enhances the revenues.

Advanced and Intelligence search

Nowadays, everyone has become smarter. With evolving technology, audiences are becoming smarter. They all prefer fast and quick response search engines. With the help of Artificial Intelligence, you can analyze the user search patterns and find the key areas where you have to put your efforts into.

Smart advertising strategies

With the advent of smart processes, digital marketers are publishing smart ads across various social media platforms where they know how their audiences are spending their time.

AI-Powered Web Accessibility Solution

Web Accessibility was largely misunderstood by digital marketers and web designers until it was started to be actively regulated across all over the world. In recent times, Web Accessibility has become a trending element. AI has made it very easier for businesses to provide the best experience for the customers.

AI-Powered Content Engagement

It has become very challenging to engage the users with your website. They are exposed to variety of articles, sensational news updates, or animated images and anywhere they click, one or the special offer or ads that follow them from site to site. Here, the necessity of engaging your users plays a vital role. Artificial Intelligence is the key solution here to engage your users to your own sire so that they don’t leave your site even for a second. Artificial Intelligence can help the owner to collect user data and learn to interact with users exactly when they are most likely to engage. 


In order to cope up with the market trends is definitely not an easy task that too when there is so much competition in the market. as there is advancements in the technology, the demands of the consumers also increases with smarter plans and ideas. Our company builds platforms through which you can not only make good relations with your clients but also attain good profit and ROI.

Author Bio:

Russell Wiltenburg is a content manager at Enterprise Web Cloud, leading digital marketing & web designing in Toronto. He loves writing informative and technical blogs acknowledged by many entrepreneurs around the world. You Can Follow Us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.


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